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Lambeth Climate Partnership
Norwood Road
Photo: Norwood Road © Sam Mellish


The Climate Action Plan is the borough’s response to the climate and ecological emergency and to what our communities have asked for. Climate action is supported by nine out of ten Lambeth residents. 


Lambeth’s Climate Action Plan (CAP) was produced collaboratively through the Citizen’s Assembly on the Climate Crisis, online consultation, organisations, and engagement with young people, faith communities and key organisations, including healthcare, educational institutions, and businesses.

Released in March 2022, the Climate Action Plan sets out a 2030 vision for the borough with five core themes and measurable goals to cover the depth and breadth of collective climate action needed.

The Lambeth Climate Partnership has committed to monitoring and delivering these goals.


By adapting our buildings, roads, and public spaces now, the borough will be more resilient to the impacts of climate change. Adaptive action makes stronger communities, more resilient to climate impacts, shocks, and stresses, such as economic recessions.

Buildings & Energy

Switching to renewable energy sources and improving energy efficiency will reduce emissions and create healthier, warmer homes, workplaces, and cultural and leisure facilities. It will build resilience to changing energy prices and result in cleaner air.


Enabling easier access to public transport and adapting our streets for more walking, cycling, scooting and EV vehicle charging will create safer, quieter streets with less pollution, less noise, less traffic and better climate resilience.

Waste, Consumption & Food

Reducing the amount of waste we create and shifting towards repairing and refurbishing instead of buying new will lower our indirect emissions and create a sustainable local economy resilient to changing food prices and scarcity.

Biodiversity & Environmental Quality

Lambeth is home to a biodiverse network of green spaces. Improving the biodiversity of these spaces and making them more accessible for our residents will enhance nature connection, air quality, soil drainage, and lower air temperatures.

You can read the full Climate Action Plan report here

Download Report (opens in a new window)


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