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Lambeth Climate Partnership
Free Family Forest School South London

Free Forest School

Nature Vibezzz


Start Date
May 2023

Resilient communities

Nature Vibezzz is a charity which offers free environmental education and practical nature conservation programmes, running activity sessions at various sites across Lambeth. The ambition of Nature Vibezzz is to facilitate residents' engagement with and education around: the conservation, protection and improvement of our local environment – in support of sustainable development.

Free Family Forest School Home education Streatham Vale

Free Family Forest School Home education Streatham Vale

Nature Vibezzz programmes encourage the practical engagement with and appreciation of local green space; including Streatham Common, Knight’s Hill Wood, Portobello Community Garden, Eardley Road Sidings, Tivoli Park and many others. including Streatham Common, Knight’s Hill Wood, Portobello Community Garden (West Norwood) Eardley Road Sidings, Tivoli Park and many others.

The various sites used in the programme offer different ways to engage with the natural environment, for example:

  • Portobello Community Garden (approximately 23m x 30m) has lots of potential as a growing space and for community events, but has not been in use for many years. Nature Vibezzz has taken over management of the site and are planning to use the site for certificated training (AQA & NVQ,) teaching children in various subjects such as horticulture, bush craft, woodwork and Forest School.
  • Knights Hill Wood is a small yet extremely valuable pocket of woodland in Lambeth, and as such helps to support local wildlife. The site is classed as a Local Site of Importance for Nature Conservation.
  • Eardley Road Sidings, located in Streatham South Ward, is a small and totally enclosed wood and nature reserve, making it a safe space for nature-based activities. Effectively an outdoor classroom! The wood contains ash, birch and oak trees – and there are many birds that have been recorded here.
Free Family Forest School Home Education Streatham SW16

Free Family Forest School Home Education Streatham SW16

The Forest school programme is a nationally approved discovery and personal development programme

Activities for local schools

Free activity sessions for Lambeth school children from local primary schools. Previously working with Granton Primary School, Woodmansterne Primary School plus Immanuel and St Andrew Church of England Primary School. Normally running Forest School programmes of six sessions.

Their forest school programme is a nationally approved discovery and personal development programme which enables students to develop over the six-week period. Having previously worked with Granton Primary School, Woodmansterne Primary School, Immanuel and St Andrew Church of England Primary School. These sessions are typically offered as a programme of six.

As well as the school programme, Nature Vibezzz offer nature focussed activities for families, the aims of these activity sessions are to;

  • Build social contact and co-operation between individuals and within families
  • Increase learning, independence and understanding of how to enjoy local nature
  • Create a high level of participation among people who do not typically participate in nature-based activities, particularly those from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) backgrounds
  • Provide stewardship to the sites and make improvements

Similarly, Nature Vibezzz run regular family day trips to sites in London and further afield, as well as night time moon walks at various sites in South London.

All activities offered are designed to provide a wide range of learning opportunities; students build skills gradually and prioritize learning of Health & Safety Awareness as well of Nature Conservation Awareness.


To find out more about session schedules please visit: Project Sessions – Nature Vibezzz Newsletter (

Visit Nature Vibezzz (opens in a new window)

Other live projects

Hope Pointing up and Fox

What can I do to help?

You can make your home or workplace cooler by improving insulation, adding shutters to windows, painting your roof and walls white, and increasing greenery

Opt for energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs to cut down on electricity use. Make it a habit to turn off lights and electronics when not in use, and unplug chargers to prevent phantom energy consumption.

Take steps to fix leaks in faucets and pipes, and install water-saving appliances and fixtures. Incorporate water conservation practices into your daily routine, such as turning off taps when not needed.

Consider using public transportation, carpooling, or ridesharing to reduce your carbon footprint. If possible, opt for fuel-efficient or electric vehicles, and explore alternative modes of transportation like walking or biking

Explore options like solar panels or wind turbines for home energy. Choose energy providers that prioritize renewable sources, and advocate for policies that encourage the use of clean energy.

Reduce meat consumption, particularly red meat, and opt for locally sourced and sustainably produced foods. Consider adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet to lower your environmental impact

Share information on climate change and its impacts with friends and family. Encourage sustainable practices, and support educational initiatives in your community to raise awareness.

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