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Lambeth Climate Partnership
SBC Waste Master
Waste, consumption & food

On-site food composting with the food WasteMaster

Southbank Centre

Waste, consumption & food

Start Date
Jan 2022

End Date
Jun 2023


The Southbank Centre is a hub of art, culture and music and is one of the top five most visited attractions in the UK with 3.1m visitors in 2022/23. In addition to hosting over 5,000 events a year, the Southbank Centre offers visitors a wide range of food and drink having an in-house caterer and 14 commercial partners. The Southbank Centre aims to reduce the emissions associated with all of its activity and found that transport emissions from food waste collections could be reduced by 80% by processing food waste on-site. The Southbank Centre invested in a WasteMaster to process food waste on site rather than transporting it off-site for processing.

SBC Waste Master

SBC Waste Master


Reduces the volume of food waste by 80%

Measures taken to achieve goals:

The WasteMaster is a food composter, with an advanced technology system that fires charged electrons to break down the cell walls of food, accelerating the composting process. Not only can the WasteMaster break down 1000kg of food into compost in 24 hours, it also reduces the volume of food waste by 80%, effectively lowering emissions by the same percentage. The Southbank Centre uses a percentage of the compost produced by the WasteMaster on site in their Roof Garden, Pocket Forest and the planters around the Centre, this supports the biodiversity and environmental quality. Where the compost is not used on-site, it is sent to an anaerobic digestion facility which breaks down the compost to generate green energy.

Installing the WasteMaster has helped the Southbank Centre improve its waste segregation processes. The WasteMaster cannot break down certain food items, such as large bones. Therefore, the Southbank Centre is implementing a waste strategy to minimise the contamination of the food waste that enters the machine.

Where you can find this case study's location

A map showing the location of On-site food composting with the food WasteMaster
Theme iconCircle background

Southbank Centre,
Belvedere Road,

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What can I do to help?

You can make your home or workplace cooler by improving insulation, adding shutters to windows, painting your roof and walls white, and increasing greenery

Opt for energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs to cut down on electricity use. Make it a habit to turn off lights and electronics when not in use, and unplug chargers to prevent phantom energy consumption.

Take steps to fix leaks in faucets and pipes, and install water-saving appliances and fixtures. Incorporate water conservation practices into your daily routine, such as turning off taps when not needed.

Consider using public transportation, carpooling, or ridesharing to reduce your carbon footprint. If possible, opt for fuel-efficient or electric vehicles, and explore alternative modes of transportation like walking or biking

Explore options like solar panels or wind turbines for home energy. Choose energy providers that prioritize renewable sources, and advocate for policies that encourage the use of clean energy.

Reduce meat consumption, particularly red meat, and opt for locally sourced and sustainably produced foods. Consider adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet to lower your environmental impact

Share information on climate change and its impacts with friends and family. Encourage sustainable practices, and support educational initiatives in your community to raise awareness.

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